Goal Setting Will Ensure You Achieve True Success With Your Business ~ Get Freedom

Goal Setting Will Ensure You Achieve True Success With Your Business

"Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk." - JC Penney

Starting a business without a solid goal in place is a sure path to failure. For true success, your goal must be set in stone - you must know exactly where your business is going. With every step you take, your business must be striving towards that goal.

Goal setting is the most important step you will take in starting your business. Setting out on a journey of business building without a goal is like setting sail without a destination. Certainly, it can be done and you will eventually arrive somewhere - but it may not be where you want to be. In fact, you may find it is anything but what you had imagined.

A goal ensures that you and your business arrive at a good destination.

= Goal Setting Is A Serious Business Decision =

When you start goal setting, you cannot pick just any goal ... you cannot pick wildly and hope it works for you. You must give it some very serious thought - you need to contemplate how it will affect your lifestyle, your family, your sanity.

Your goal needs to take you to a place where you will be happy. A goal that doesn't take your lifestyle and family into consideration will not guarantee happiness - and will have serious consequences on your sanity.

You may be successful but find your success to be a hollow victory, if you do not keep in mind what kind of success you truly want.

= Isn't Success Defined As Making Lots Of Money? =

For some it may be - for you it may not be. Making a ton of money is only one aspect of success. You could build a super-successful business - one that pours money into your bank account - but, if your goal didn't consider your lifestyle, you may find that money really doesn't buy happiness.

If you become a slave to your business, it is not a true success. If making that money takes its toll on your health - through stress, disruption of family harmony, long hours behind a computer screen - then, it's a success that soon loses its charm. You want the kind of success that truly meshes with your lifestyle - or the kind of lifestyle you dream of.

= Consider Your Dream Lifestyle When Setting Your Goal =

What is it you really want in life? Is it money? Or is it freedom?

Decide exactly how you want your life to be ... what things you want to do ... what places you want to go ... what goodies you wan to buy.

Spend some time talking to your family. What do they want? What are their dreams? Will your goal make everybody happy?

= Put Your Goal In Writing =

Don't just think about your goal - and have a vague idea of what it is. Write it down on paper. Write down where your business is going to be heading - give it a clear destination. Write down where it will be in six months ... in a year ... in five years.

Write down what your business will provide for you. Write down how it will fit into your lifestyle. Write down exactly what you expect from your business.

By setting your goal on paper, you have a clear reference for drawing your map - your map that takes your business step by step to your goal. You can create a solid business plan for success.

Setting your goal is the most important thing you can do for your business - it can make sure you achieve success, make sure you don't wander about aimlessly from one ineffective attempt to another.

Have a solid goal and you will make your own history. Have no goal and you may as well get a nine to five job as a stock clerk.

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