
Learn How to Motivate Yourself

"Motivation will almost always beat mere talent."
~ Norman Augustine

I truly believe Augustine's words are true and if you look at history you know it is true. There are many people in the world with amazing talents who realize only a small percentage of their potential. We all know people who live this truth.

We also know those epic stories, those modern-day legends surrounding the early failures of such supremely successful folks as Michael Jordan and Bill Gates. We can look a bit further back in time to Albert Einstein or even further back to Abraham Lincoln. What made each of these people so successful? Motivation.

We know this in our gut, but what can we do about it? How can we motivate ourselves? One of the most difficult aspects of achieving success is staying motivated over the long haul.

Motivation is not an accident or something that someone else can give you -- you are the only one with the power to motivate you. Motivation cannot be an external force, it must come from within as the natural product of your desire to achieve something and your belief that you are capable to succeed at your goal.

Positive pleasure-oriented goals are much more powerful motivators than negative fear-based ones. Although each is successful separately, the right combination of both is the most powerful motivational force known to humankind.

Here are some tips and methods for motivating yourself:

~ Use a past defeat as a motivator. Remind yourself you have nowhere to go except up as you have already been at the bottom.

~ Give yourself the power of responsibility. Remind yourself the only thing stopping you is yourself.

~ Make a list of your achievements toward your long-term goal and remind yourself that intentions don't count, only action's.

~ Do it today. Remind yourself of someone you know who died suddenly and the fact that there is no guarantee that tomorrow will come.

~ Let success motivate you. Find a picture of what epitomizes success to you and then pull it out when you are in need of motivation.

Reflect and experiment until you find the right combination of motivators for your personality and your personal goals. I'll leave you with this final motivating quote:

"What drives me? The thing that drives me most is the desire to find my limits--and extend them." ~ Richard Marcinko

Now go push your own limits and succeed!

Seven Steps To Set Your Goals

Three keys to living without limits, which is always the same. They are clarity, competence, and concentration. Setting goals will help you live without limits. Learn how to set goals is an art. Learn why setting goals is a requirement. Here are seven steps that should be provisions to set goals :

  1. Make a goal that you really want, most of people often make a goal with something that they do not actually want, this is a mistake, make a goal with something that you really want, not that you do not want
  2. Make sure the goal can be self-initiated and maintained The goal doesn't depend on the attitude of anybody else. The success of your goal must depend on you, only you.
  3. Create a clear image of your goal, Make a very clear image, in rich details, and you will be so enthusiastic that you will automatically attract the solution.
  4. State the context of the goal. "Where and when will my goal be achieved?" The answer can be obvious for some goals but not at all for others. Try to be as specific as possible.
  5. Run a Quality Control check on the goal to ensure balance in all areas of your home/work life.
  6. There is always a price to pay, for everything. you must be brave and be able to pay the price of your goal. In this step, you will define all that you will need, in terms of time, money and energy.
  7. State the value and the consistency of the goal.
    Why do I want to reach this goal? Why is it important to me? Is this goal in harmony with my vision, beliefs and values? Answer these questions. If you don't seem to be satisfied with the answers, maybe you should change your goal. Set a new goal until you feel it is in harmony with your passion, vision or mission.
These are the seven steps that can help you to create a goal setting, hopefully useful and success for you.

Goal Setting Is Not Only Once-A-Day Affair

In my last post, I mentioned that we should set goal clearly and do it daily. Now, the question is, when is the best time in a day? Of course, the answer is in the morning. However, it should not be just anytime in the morning; it should be first thing in the morning! Yes! The first thing when you wake up, instead of brushing your teeth, you should rush to your desk, and start writing your daily goal!
I mentioned in my other posting that there are long-term goal and short-term goal (which for me I called it as daily goal). It is this daily goal that you need to write down everyday! It is important so that you are aware of your daily activities are geared and swift towards it. On top, in the morning, when you just awake, your Alpha wave is at its most active period and according to many scientists' researches, Alpha wave is presence when a person is engaging into his superb learning mode!

Have you ever experienced, when you were young (or maybe you still doing it now), rushing to study as much as possible only at the night just before a test or examination, trying to utilise and grasp as much as you could; and unfortunately, those you studied earlier, usually tend to be forgotten and seems that they were never ever be a way to register in your mind, however, those that you had studied while you were almost dozed off, surprisingly, can be recalled easily during the exam! Did you ever asked yourself, did I really come across this subject? Why is it so? The answer is because of Alpha wave, which begin to sync in just when you doze off!

What I'm drifting here, it is important to write down your goal in the first thing in the morning, so that you can leverage on your morning Alpha wave which present in your just awaken brain so that you can subconsciously register it and deeply root it into your brain.

Alpha wave also present during at night just before you doze off. So you should also write down your daily goal at night, just before you turn for the bed! This action not only help you to review your day time activities if it gel with your daily goal, but also, help you to register again better, leveraging again on the alpha wave to sink into yourself about your daily goal!

Goal setting is like sharpening a knife. The more you sharpened it, the sharper it will be! Thus, best time to set goal is in the morning, first thing in the morning. And for best result, set again just before you doze off!

Try it! You will be amazed of the result and your goals begin to fall in place. You will be more aware of your behavior towards your daily activities. If it does not work, it's OK! You will not lose anything! But what if it works? You are in no lost situation! So, just do it!


Goal Setting Cuts Stress in Your Life

Just how many of us really set realistic goals in our life? Goal setting is a good idea for any person. They could cut out being so disorganized in their life. When any one sets daily goals they quickly realize that their day would run smoothly and not have as many mishaps that makes you have a lot of stress from something not going just right and running out of time try to get it done.

When some set goals in their life it might not be because they want to it may just be because they have to, so they do not have lots of chaos in their life. This group of people may even need to write down when they are to arrive at the grocery store to do the shopping and even how long it is to take in the store. Some people just need that organization in their life to live freely and peacefully.

When you set goals for the day and have them out for everyone too see them you will notice that if you have kids they will soon start to fallow them, with a little help. After a while you would end up noticing that the kids have set their own goals that they would like to achieve in their daily life.

One example is that they set the time to get up, brush their teeth, get a bath for bed, and even go to bed. That does not include the time at school and any other chores or tasks that they would want to put in there on their own.

Really every one needs to set a life goal and work hard to achieve the goals that you set for yourself or your family.

One thing that you need to think about when you set the goals in your life is that you need to make sure that you do not set goals that are completely out of reach and are too hard for you to accomplish. Some of the goals that an adult could set for himself or herself are better schooling, better position in the work force, or even working toward a promotion.


Setting Career Goals

Setting a career goal or objective is a personal challenge a person makes to himself or herself within a limited period by setting deadlines. The most successful people are usually ones that have set career goals for themselves. They know what they want to do, and work and plan towards achieving those results. It is never too early or too late to start setting career goals and working towards them.
Difficulties in setting goals

One of the most difficult issues in setting a career goal is recognizing exactly what a person wants. Even after they have a career goal chosen, often there are still doubts in their mind about the choices they make. Determining exactly what an individual wants is the most important decision they make in goal setting and career planning.

Understand that it is very common when setting career goals to have times in their career path where people are not sure about the goals and choices they have selected. Even extremely successful individuals feel this way occasionally.

These feelings often come and go. Sometimes, when an individual has to face a huge obstacle on their career path, it can be overwhelming and make them question their choices. Once the individual has dealt with this challenge, everything seems on course again. This is a test of his or her perseverance and is not a career goal problem. It is a problem when these doubts persist or are always in the back of their minds.

If this seems to be the case, study the career choice and carefully rethink the career objectives. Sometimes we make a career choice in high school such as cooking. When we take Chef Training in college, it may not be what we are still interested in or no longer have a passion for.

Simplifying the process

Here are a few steps that can help you realize your career goals and maintain your goals once you have achieved them.

1. List - It is very important for anyone who desires to set and then achieve their career goals, to write their plans down so they are in black and white. When written down, ideas are much more real on paper than ones kept in our heads. It is very easy to forget or put aside goals that we talk about or think about but are not on paper.

2. Visualize - Daydream and think about your goals. If you want to be a top salesperson in a large company within the next three years, imagine ways to make this goal a reality. Also, visualize about the responsibility and work you will acquire once the position is obtained.

3. The Right People - Surround yourself with people that believe in you and are positive about your ability to achieve your career goals. People that believe you can succeed at anything will reinforce that anything is possible with determination and hard work.

Make your goals a part of your lifestyle and constantly work towards achieving them.


What Personal Goal Setting Tip Increases Your Chance of Achieving Your Goals by Over 1,000%?

Personal goal setting is a major component of any personal development program and indeed for anyone wanting to succeed in any or all areas of their life.
Why set personal goals?
By setting personal goals on a routine basis you decide what you want to achieve, and then move step-by-step towards the achievement of these goals. The process of personal goal setting allows you to choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know what you have to concentrate on to do it.
Personal goal setting is a procedure used by successful business people, top level sports women and men and achievers in all fields. It gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation.
By setting clearly defined goals using a goal setting worksheet, you can take pride in the achievement of those goals. You see progress in what might otherwise seem a long pointless struggle. With personal goal setting, you will also raise your self-confidence as you recognize your ability and competence in achieving the goals that you have set. The process of achieving those goals and seeing this achievement, gives you confidence that you will be able to achieve higher and more difficult goals.

How should you set your goals?

When personal goal setting, take yourself off somewhere where you feel totally in tune with yourself. I have a favorite caf? that plays the right kind of music and early in the morning there are few other people around. I sit in the sun with my coffee and the thoughts, ideas and pen just flow. Be as descriptive as possible and notice your emotions whilst you are writing. If you can, close your eyes and visualize yourself experiencing and having everything right now! This can add huge weight to having your achieve these personal goals. Do this as often as you can.

The first step in setting personal goals is to consider what you want to achieve in your lifetime, as setting Lifetime goals gives you the overall perspective that shapes all other aspects of your decision making.

In order to find out what personal goals you want to set, you need to ask yourself some pertinent questions and could include to the following:
What will your life look like when you have what you want?
What is the ideal career/job/business?
How much money do you want to make?
What things do you want to experience?
Where do you want to go?
What does the ideal relationship look like?
How do you feel when you have everything you want?

These questions may relate to Personal, Relationships, Financial, Business/Career, Health & Fitness etc

Once you have the questions answered, make each goal as specific and clear as possible and start breaking things down so you have clear timeframes around each objective. Personal goal setting usually includes and a series of lower level goals culminating in a daily to-do list.
By setting up this structure of plans you can break even the biggest life goal down into a number of small tasks that you need to do each day to reach the bigger personal goals. Write down your goals - make up and use a goal setting worksheet.

...and the answer to the question above?

Did you know that the single act of writing your goals down increases the chances of achieving them by 1,100%? Amazing, isn't it! You can increase your chances of reaching your goals by 11 times just by writing them down.

A major newspaper did a significant survey and asked people if they had achieved their goals from the previous year. 46% of those who had written down their goals did achieve them. And only 4% of those who didn't have written goals achieved them. That's 11 times the difference!

Want to catapult your way to achieving your goals?

Make sure you increase your chances by over 1,000% by writing dowm your goals and read them every day!


The Secret to Goal Setting

Goal setting is a crucial aspect of your life that needs maximum focus if you are targeting personal, professional, monetary or even spiritual growth. Life would become much complicated if you don't act prudently and enlist your goals from the highest to lower priority. An average individual has the habit of taking things for granted and lives a busy life without a focus. The schedule is so hectic that there is no time for setting up goals and a clear timetable for their achievement. However, a life without goals is just like a ship without a radar and you keep on running without making an effort to reach your target. Even before you realize, time passes by and then there is nothing left except to long for the time that has lapsed.
Learning the Secrets
When we talk of goal setting, it is not necessarily in term of money, family or professional achievements, we are talking of life's goals in a broader perspective encompassing all aspects of living. If you are honest enough then close your eyes and travel in the magnificent world of your mind. There must be a hidden desire in the depths of your mind that you have not given an opportunity to materialize all these years. For instance, a tax consultant must be a gifted composer but has never realized the need to express that to the world. The primary reason for this is lack of goal setting and ignoring the most important aspect of his/her personality. You should have the ability to enlist your desires and then tabulate those desires in form of concrete, definable and achievable goals with a time frame attached to each goal.

The secret of goal setting and their achievement lies in taking a more constructive approach and adhering to the principles of time management. That can help a great deal at the end of the day in achieving your goal. You are the sole master of every day you spend in your life and how you spend it. The secret is in making a list of your bigger goals and then breaking them up into small targets with a clear time frame such as week, month or a year. This would help you analyze whether or not you are proceeding in the right direction.

Stop dreaming at this very moment and start giving practical shape to your dreams. Any further procrastination for goal setting would only hinder the success of your goals. Provide sufficient time for goal setting to create an example for others to follow. It is error of judgment on your part if you think that you can start it from tomorrow; do it today for your own sake.


Goal Setting Will Ensure You Achieve True Success With Your Business

"Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk." - JC Penney

Starting a business without a solid goal in place is a sure path to failure. For true success, your goal must be set in stone - you must know exactly where your business is going. With every step you take, your business must be striving towards that goal.

Goal setting is the most important step you will take in starting your business. Setting out on a journey of business building without a goal is like setting sail without a destination. Certainly, it can be done and you will eventually arrive somewhere - but it may not be where you want to be. In fact, you may find it is anything but what you had imagined.

A goal ensures that you and your business arrive at a good destination.

= Goal Setting Is A Serious Business Decision =

When you start goal setting, you cannot pick just any goal ... you cannot pick wildly and hope it works for you. You must give it some very serious thought - you need to contemplate how it will affect your lifestyle, your family, your sanity.

Your goal needs to take you to a place where you will be happy. A goal that doesn't take your lifestyle and family into consideration will not guarantee happiness - and will have serious consequences on your sanity.

You may be successful but find your success to be a hollow victory, if you do not keep in mind what kind of success you truly want.

= Isn't Success Defined As Making Lots Of Money? =

For some it may be - for you it may not be. Making a ton of money is only one aspect of success. You could build a super-successful business - one that pours money into your bank account - but, if your goal didn't consider your lifestyle, you may find that money really doesn't buy happiness.

If you become a slave to your business, it is not a true success. If making that money takes its toll on your health - through stress, disruption of family harmony, long hours behind a computer screen - then, it's a success that soon loses its charm. You want the kind of success that truly meshes with your lifestyle - or the kind of lifestyle you dream of.

= Consider Your Dream Lifestyle When Setting Your Goal =

What is it you really want in life? Is it money? Or is it freedom?

Decide exactly how you want your life to be ... what things you want to do ... what places you want to go ... what goodies you wan to buy.

Spend some time talking to your family. What do they want? What are their dreams? Will your goal make everybody happy?

= Put Your Goal In Writing =

Don't just think about your goal - and have a vague idea of what it is. Write it down on paper. Write down where your business is going to be heading - give it a clear destination. Write down where it will be in six months ... in a year ... in five years.

Write down what your business will provide for you. Write down how it will fit into your lifestyle. Write down exactly what you expect from your business.

By setting your goal on paper, you have a clear reference for drawing your map - your map that takes your business step by step to your goal. You can create a solid business plan for success.

Setting your goal is the most important thing you can do for your business - it can make sure you achieve success, make sure you don't wander about aimlessly from one ineffective attempt to another.

Have a solid goal and you will make your own history. Have no goal and you may as well get a nine to five job as a stock clerk.

Goal Setting As A Means Of Self Improvement

It is often easy to forget exactly how important goal setting is to self improvement. We can have lofty ambitions for changing or improving who we are, but if we don't begin the journey with one step as Confucius once said and then break it down into smaller plans, the journey might begin to seem impossible.

The reason goal setting works as a means of self improvement is two-fold: the first part is obvious it allows us to break a really complex task down into small components that are easier to follow, more detailed, and less overwhelming. The second reason why goal setting is an effective means of self improvement is that it provides us with constant motivation. Whenever we accomplish that goal or objective on the way to the greater goal, we feel as if we have made progress, and it emboldens us to work towards the next goal in line.

Before anyone can begin goal setting for self improvement, he must determine what it is about himself that he would like to change and for what reason. For some people, the ultimate act of self improvement would involve quitting smoking cigarettes. For others, weight is a self improvement issue for which they are most concerned. For others, it might be something different, like being more assertive, more financially secure, or more charitable.

Of course, no one knows our faults better than we do. If we're overweight, we usually know just horrible it makes us feel, even if no one around us even really notices it. If we drink beyond what could be considered careful moderation, we know how it makes us feel and what it has done to our relationships.

Now, once you have identified what it is that you would like to improve about yourself, you can begin the goal setting process. Start with the ultimate goal (i.e., to lose 30 pounds). Next, depending on how large your ultimate goal is and how long it will reasonably take you to accomplish begin goal setting for objectives with timelines. For these smaller objectives, it is a good idea to tie them to actions, rather than results. If, for instance, your goal is to go to the gym three times each week and decrease your fat and carbohydrate intake, you might accomplish all of those goals, but it doesn't mean you will accomplish your short-term intended result, which was to lose ten pounds in 30 days.

If you only lose 10 pounds when your goal was 30 pounds, don't feel like you haven't succeeded. Instead, see if you followed the goals you set out to accomplish for the time period: did you go to the gym three times each week? Did you decrease your fat and carbohydrate intake? If you answered yes to all of these questions and you DID lose at least some weight, then you know your goal setting activities are on the right track, but you just need to intensify the components or increasing the overall timeline.

So, to reiterate, successful goal setting for self improvement consists of three things: creating long term goals, short term objectives, and re-evaluating the plan to make sure it is more realistic.

Three Goal Setting Tips That Will Change Your Life

If you use these three goal setting tips you will be on your way to creating the life you desire.

Goal Setting Tip #1: Where are you going?

This goal setting tip can be summed up with the title of a book my father bought me on goal setting quite a few years ago. The title of the book was "If you don't know where you're going you'll probably end up somewhere else". Those words have stuck with me all these years.

When you think about the title and realize that most people have no idea where they're going or what they want. It's really sad. Our minds are goal seeking computers. Just give it a specific goal and it will work to complete it. However, all most people have is vague wandering thoughts of what they want. They've never written their thoughts down in a coherent manner.

If you send a message to a friend you don't write the words down in whatever order and expect them to figure out what it says. Why do we do it to ourselves with what we want out of life?

It's your job to write down on paper how you want to live.

Get out a piece of paper and start with your top 100 goals. Start writing a list of the things you want to accomplish in your life. I mean anything you can imagine, learning a language, taking a trip, meeting a famous or not so famous person. Write on that list everything from the littlest thing like brushing your teeth twice a day to flying in the space shuttle.

Keep making the list until you reach 100, however, don't stop there. Carry the list with you and continue to write down more goals as you think of them. It may take several hours or days to complete this list. However, it's essential that you do it.

Goal Setting Tip #2: Let's get specific

The second goal setting tip, get specific about the things that you want. Take your top 100 list and start with the easiest ones and write a more specific description of what you want. If it's a car, what make and model, what color, leather or cloth seats. If it's a trip, where are you going, how will you get there and what will you see. If it's money, be specific. How much, why do you want it and what will you do with it when you get it. Remember, BE SPECIFIC!

Goal Setting Tip #3: It's in the want to, you'll find the how to.

Now let's discover the key to successful goal setting. Why do you want it? Think about and write on paper why you want each of the dreams on your Top 100 list. Get specific and dig deep to the emotions and feelings that are behind each one. It's in this step you'll find which ones you truly are willing to pay the price to get and which ones are not really important.

"The best way to predict your future is to create it". - Chinese Proverb

Are You At Risk Of Wasting Your Life Away Without A Goal?

Boy, I did learn a valuable lesson when I did not put up a plan for my online business. I have no goals, no plan of action. I was wasting 2-3 years of my time! Now I have learnt the importance of goal setting because it sets the path for me.

When it comes to goal setting just how many people out there are really willing to set some goals for themselves to go by and live by anymore? There are probable not as many as you think there would be. This may be because there are more people that are going to live life as it comes to them. There is nothing wrong with that but you may want to still think of setting a couple of goals that could help you out in the future with your job or family situation.

If you think about it when you set goals you are going to be able to better your life in the long run. With setting realistic goals you will soon see that the goals that you did set will be achieved with ease if you just put your mind to it and stick to the goal that you want to achieve. You and your family may even notice a change in how you feel about yourself when you are working towards a goal that you set for yourself. You could be more focused on what you are doing so that you are moving a little closer to reaching your goal in life. That will not only make you feel better but it will also prove to your boss and you family that you are ready to take on anything that they may throw at you.

If you notice that you have a little more self-esteem than what you started out with you are defiantly going to feel better about everything that you are going to be doing in your life. You could even notice that you are going to be offered a job promotion because of the way that you are representing your self in the company that you are working for. You are going to feel better about yourself because of the goal setting you have done in the past. It is going to be all because of you working hard and proving to people that you are going to reach any and all of the goals that you have set.

In conclusion, goal setting is important and you should have a yearly goal setting activity done. Remember that without a goal, there is no plan. When there is no plan, nothing is done.

Goal Setting Tools Make Achieving Goals Simple

Many people know about the power of goal setting. Some people even go through the trouble of setting goals. However, for most, part of the reason people don't set goals is they find it to be a tedious exercise. In order to eliminate that, goal setting tools such as software can make goal setting activities much easier. The new age has arrived. Computers and the software that run them are helping humans in ways we never imaged just ten short years ago.

There are a multitude of goal setting tools out on the market. The best ones allow you to not only set goals, but also to help you achieve them. Writing down or typing a list of goals is not enough. They must be reviewed and action must be taken on a regular basis. Goal setting tools will help you do just that. I myself use goal settiong software and it really helps me to stay focused on my goals.

Depending on your preferences, some software is available on the internet and some come as software for your computer. The advantage of the internet-based goal setting software is that you can access it anywhere there's a computer with an internet connection, and you won't need to haul a laptop around to get to your goals.

The disadvantage is that you have to have a computer with an internet connection. Software on your computer is advantageous in that you can use it regardless of whether there is an available internet connection or not. The disadvantage is that it has to be on a laptop if you want to use it away from home. Some software will allow you to do both - it is installed on your computer and will allow you to upload your data files to the internet. Then, if you have the software installed on another computer, such as at work, you can download your data from the internet and pick up where you left off.

The first thing goal setting tools will assist you with is setting a proper goal. Many software applications have a wizard that walks you step-by-step through a properly-defined goal. In fact, it should be one of the first things that come up when you run the software. After inputting your goals, it should allow you to revisit them every time you fire up the software. It will help keep you on track until you achieve your goals.

Goal Setting Avoids Failure

Why is it that goal setting an activity that most person shun away from? Is it the fear of not fulfilling it? Or is it the fear of trying to achieve it?
There are many people that are very reluctant in goal setting. There may be many reasons why they are against goal setting. They may think that it makes no sense in goal setting because there are too many ways to fail and one way to success. They can figure that the failures will out way the success of goal setting. Really what is the use of goal setting if you think that you are going to achieve it with ease all the time? You may need to challenge yourself at least once and a while when you are setting your goals.
There are some people that will need to set their goals on a daily basis. That way there they are going to be able to get through the day without a lot of caucus. When you think that it makes no sense that you have to set daily goals you are not thinking that this may be the only way for some to get through all of their days.

It is never a bad idea for you to take time to set some short term and long term goals for your self. You will want to make sure that you are going to take time and think out what you are going to set your goals at. You are going to want to make sure that you are setting goals that are doable and reasonable. You do not want to make certain that the goals you have set for your self is going to have a certain time line and it will also need to reasonable.

There are a few out there that are going to fell that they do not need to set goals for their life because they are going to live life one day at a time. That is good for some parts of your life but when it comes to your education and employment you may want to seriously think about goal setting. If you are setting goals for your education and job you are going to have something to look forward to when you start to think that you are not going to be able to go on with your schooling and with the people that you may be working with in your job.


Dealing with Poor Payers is a Business Nightmare

As a business owner, it's rarely possible to completely guard against bad debt; after all, the only way to avoid debt would be not to trade at all. Running a small business is not without risk, but there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of debt. All companies have to get paid somewhere along the line, and it is important to be aware of the nature of your customer at the outset of any trading relationship.

It is often advisable to carry out a credit check on any potential client before entering into a trading relationship, especially if you have no prior knowledge of the client. Also, give the client a credit limit which reflects the credit rating of the client: if the credit rating is low, then it is advisable to give the customer a low credit limit and vice versa. If the client exceeds their agreed credit limit, or invoices remain unpaid, ensure that no further goods or services are provided until the account is brought back within the terms of the agreement.

It's also a good idea to keep an eye on your customers' payment history. Poor cash flow or too many debtor accounts are the top problems facing most small businesses - second only to low turnover or lack of business in the first place.

In addition, you'll want to ensure that your customers know and understand the terms of their credit agreements prior to commencing any trading with them. Providing the customer with a copy of the terms and conditions which they must sign and return to you can help in the event of legal proceedings to recover payment. Furthermore, make sure that any invoice includes the terms of payment and a due date.

Over time, if a customer's payment of their invoices becomes progressively more sporadic, or even worse, aren't paid at all, its maybe worth making enquiries with the customer as to the reason for late or non-payment. They might be having financial difficulties - possibly through lack of business - or perhaps their own customers aren't paying them, resulting in their failure to pay you.

But, if all your attempts at collecting have failed, what else can you do? You might consider legal action in order to try and receive your money through the court. Or, you might instead employ the services of a debt recovery company. There are numerous debt recovery companies, such as Capquest, who can assist in reclaiming debts, or in some cases will buy the debt from you, although at a reduced rate.

However, whatever you do, don't let the problem become so large that the account is no longer manageable: deal with the problem sooner rather than later.

Personal Success Through Goal Setting

by: Roy Thomsitt

Setting goals and objectives is a process which has very wide application in business, and it was certainly a part of my own business training which I had to put into practice regularly in the years that followed. Some of the better businesses and organizations will also incorporate personal goal setting into staff development, as part of the personnel (human) resources routine. But what about you as an individual? Can you use goal setting as a tool to help you achieve success?

Goal setting can, indeed, be a very useful, sometimes powerful assistant to your personal success. If you incorporate goals and objectives into your personal planning, whether short or long term, then your road to success will have a better foundation.

Success? Success at what? That is entirely up to you. If there is something in life you want to succeed at, then there will no doubt be some goals you can set to help you along the way; like stepping stones across a river when success is the opposite bank. In reality, you can apply goal setting techniques to any part of your life, whether it is to do with work, personal relationships, where you want to live, or a personal hobby or interest. So long as you set realistic goals at each stage, then they can be a very strong personal incentive, which will prepare you for the next stage. Eventually you will be able to look back and see how far you have come, and you can wave goodbye to those stepping stones and go on to new ones on another journey to success.

If you settle down and think clearly about what you want to succeed in, and then what you need to achieve in order to get there, you will quite naturally give a structure to a plan which you will follow; a structure that will incorporate goals you will need to achieve along the way. As with business goals and plans, your personal goals need to be realistic. If you have never driven a car and decide you want to be a Formula One race driver, then it does not make a lot of sense to go directly to Ferrari HQ and say “Here I am, can I race for you in next week’s Grand Prix?”

If you are determined enough, you may become an F1 driver, but there are a few little goals to achieve first. That applies to just about anything. You need to pinpoint the key achievements along the way to success in whatever it is you wish to succeed in, set an appropriate series of goals, and then tick them off one by one.

It is important to think clearly about your personal goals, as they are just that, personal. They are not your husband’s goals, you parents' goals, or your brother’s goals, they are yours. Keep focused on what you want to achieve, not what others would like you to achieve from their own viewpoint. Use the opportunity to incorporate lifestyle goals into your plan, such as living by the sea, having a nice house, anything that is important to you. Even happiness benefits from goal setting; you can think about everything that would make you happy, and then set goals to achieve each of those elements.

Having decided your goals, then put them together in a plan that is realistic, otherwise you may be despondent after missing a goal which was impossible anyway. Set a reasonable timescale, and then try to aim for it step by step. If your chosen area of success is a competitive one, then remember that most people will just give up. But you will not give up, will you?

This setting personal objective article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner and part author of the Routes To Self Improvement website.


For your goal becomes true

Appoint the goal to be the matter that is very important to do in your life. But, determine the goal do not guarantee that actually will happen. The article the hair of goal birds on paper does not force him to become the reality. You can do what to persuade that your goal becomes the reality? First all, you must make your goal more than the wish or hope then. They must arouse you and cause rise the convincing car so that you are motivated and inspired to persuade that they happen. You also have to make definitely that you are 100 percent loyal to personally and your goal. Don't for the WISH... Your goal had become that -- the goal. They cannot become the matter that you want will happen or the matter that you only dream about happen. No matter what, you can be guaranteed that will be having the decline in you

But, you can go through this roadblock if you become 100 percent that is involved in achieving your goal. The main action. No-one has achieved their desire by dream or want them to happen. There are not your witchcraft words can bring that will make your dream only emerge opposite you. You must be prepared to get up and take the action so that they happen. It was other, your goal really is not more than the wish or hope then. Guard personally so that continue to dimaskukkan into the prison and get up and make the move more thorough against what you really want to in the life.

Planning Your Goal

Planning for our future enables us to enter our goals on paper and sometimes failed to make some plans with the plan to fail. Plans that are not usually considered a dream and most of the time they remain unfulfilled. With the development of personal worksheet, you can create a broad outline for the development of personal, so to be able to keep track of plans for the future. This worksheet is intended to ensure that plans are kept, and they also function as a reminder to reach the destination.


Have a successful business plan to cover their goal from the beginning to the end. Thus, each step made in accordance with the step-step quantitative. Personal Development worksheet will help you visualize all the steps you need to take on the road to success. This work should start from the very beginning of the development. Although planning for unforeseen circumstances sometimes may seem impossible, Personal Development can realistically use the worksheet. Of course, the plan should be adjusted a little along the road to meet the established goals and to remain in a specified time frame.


Personal goal setting work is also important for successful personal development plan. Taking the time to make clear that the purpose of this critical and will require research and honest assessment of yourself. This is real work that can help those who need a healthy dose of reality. To live in this world continue to change people have to set certain limits and to respect them. However, we all need to develop selective traits that will enable us to place more emphasis on personal development and more focus on achieving our goal.


In order to achieve an understanding of personal development, we must explore our individuality and our goal at a higher depth. Goal Setting personal worksheet will enable us not only to set goals we want to achieve, but also to keep track of them and to see how many of them we can do. Personal Development worksheet this will take time for the important purpose, allowing you to ensure that the objective of a priority so that your energy goes to what is most important.


Once you develop a personal plan of action you will see where you spend your time and if you identified what is most important to you. Most of us are very busy with many demands on the time runs out and we step back and see how you've spent the last week will provide answers about how you spend your energy. Personal Development worksheet is intended to be used as a personal tool, and the concept has a simple but powerful format content.


Use Personal Goal Setting worksheet to write your current goals, challenges, or areas of attention and the opportunity to represent people who make a priority. Priority is a combination of urgency and importance and this will help you track a goal that is important to you. In order to be able to complete a worksheet Goal Setting time you need to take the following steps: writing a description of general goals, explain why goals meaningful to you, explain what you see when you imagine yourself achieving goals and write the due date of this goal.


Make a Goal Setting

Do you want to learn the formula to set and achieve goals? If you do, I am proud to tell you that you are in the right place! If there's one thing I know, is how to set goals (and reach them).

  So if you are in the mood to study, I would love to show you the way. Please read on!

  How to Set and Achieve Goals

Okay, the first thing you must do is forget about what others are saying about setting goals. Many of my clients have said to me that they are taught to "be realistic" about their destination. So I have no doubt that at least one person has been notified that your goal is all about the "realistic". It is absolutely not.

The goal is all about shooting for the sky. The "realistic" part comes when you create a plan of action. Plan your actions is what you will use to achieve your goals.

  So here is how to set goals, you will reach (it is actually easier than you think it is

1. Think ...

  Thinking about passion and dreams. May have long since you last think about what you REALLY want to do with your life. Only a close eye and take some time to think. Think!

2. Writing ...

  Write your goals exactly how you want them. "I want more money" is a VERY bad goal. You need to direct your mind on exactly WHAT you want and HOW MUCH you want.

3. Dive in ..

  Do not worry if you are not sure how you will get to the destination. Only the first step you know. No matter what the purpose is, I KNOW that you have at least the first step be in your mind. So the step that is done, and done so well.

  The next step that will become clear as you continue to take that in front of you.


That Goal Can Be Achieved

980493_sunset Now, before I start, I let all that I set for accomplishing the objectives and role in life. I do not try to prevent anyone from shooting for the stars. Everyone should. Just as with anything though, you have to give yourself some time to exercise and to allow yourself the time and failed to work through a problem or something that holds you back before you jump to a larger goal.

think like this:

For example, you want to create a music CD. Before you know whether you have what it takes to up to 12 songs, You want to make sure that you can write at least one, will not you?

If you are new to set goals and try to make them keep going, you may want to start slightly smaller first. One thing this will do is to build trust in your own. If you people who make a CD and you're done 2 or 3 songs, you may begin to feel more and more sure that you you can produce more than that.

If you wanted to lose 50 dollars this year and you set a smaller goal of losing 5 dollars in the next month and you accomplished this, you would feel much more confident in your chances of losing the next 45 dollars.
The more small steps that you take in the beginning, the better off you will be in the future. Learning what you are capable of doing and if you want to lose 50 dollars this year and you set a small goal to lose 5 dollars in the next month and You do this, you will feel more confident you lose the opportunity the next 45 dollars.

The small steps you make in the beginning, you will be more prosperous in the future. Learn what you are capable of doing and also to provide small surprises along the way will help you to create more confident in achieving the goal of giving yourself more besar.lso small surprises along the way will help to make you more confident in achieving the bigger goals.


Make a Big Dream

Any meaningful achievement in life begins with a dream, the desire to achieve something. Unfortunately many of us have been programmed for the "little dream", "play safe", "to content with what" our dreams are usually so small. Small to reach the dream, but they do not inspire us, and does not help us to grow as human beings.

We dream big inspiration, they create excitement in our lives that lead to action. But be careful to not too happy because the excitement that is sometimes used to spice up their lives and after that there is no steam left to take action.

Inspiration that we receive from our dreams helps us to visualize the life that we want all the details of this visualized image and the perfect guide for our subconscious mind that brings us to our desired destination.

The big downside of the dream that they are great. This can be a serious hindrance to take action if you do not know how to handle it. Here, time management techniques work. You should share your big goal into several steps and to prepare plans to achieve these steps in sequential order. Thus, the end goal you will still be motivated to move forward while the goal will be small relatively simple to achieve without getting overwhelmed.

Treat as a major goal by a certain project milestones and the time is likely to achieve any purpose. The key is to find what you want and then use various techniques that will help you move forward in an organized way. Read More...